vpresize VICTORY Principles: Leadership Lessons from D-Day by Colonel Leonard Kloeber, Jr.


Staff Ride Training

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I am often asked to concisely explain the concept of a Staff Ride and how it can be used to train leaders. To answer this question, I have written a short, two-page article which you can share with others who may ask about it too. I have attached a link at this site in the column to the right, or you can download it here: Train Leaders with a Staff Ride

Share this with your friends and colleagues easily by sending a link via email to this site: www.staffride.com    If you have any questions about Staff Rides or leadership development you can contact me directly by email at staffride@gmail.com

Leonard Kloeber, Jr. COL (Ret.)

Leonard Kloeber, Jr. COL (Ret.)

Leonard Kloeber, Jr

Author Victory Principles, Leadership Lessons from D-Day


Written by editor

January 16th, 2010 at 12:51 am